“I found one of your tracts lying on the ground on the bus station. It changed my life.”
Do you want to help spread the Gospel, but don't really know how?
How about giving out tracts?
Tracts are small leaflets, free of charge for the receiver, with simple and understandable messages about Jesus. They are ideal for having lying in your car for when you meet someone you want to reach out to; a beggar, the newspaper boy, the lady in the market? Or if you have a business, you can have tracts lying on the counter for people to take. If you're a doctor or a dentist, you can keep them in the waiting room.
If you like this idea of spreading the Gospel, you can buy a package (2000 Tsh) or a full box (20 000 Tsh) from the bookshop closest to your region.
Bookshops can be found in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha, Iringa, Dodoma and Mbeya.